Pakistani troops engaged in combat operations in Afghanistan's province Helmand

Date: 13:10, 01-07-2014.

Kabul. July 1. Silkroadnews - In the fighting in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province participated Pakistani troops, said presidential adviser on national security of Afghanistan Rangin Dadfar Spanta, trnsmits Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
Spanta, who visited Islamabad last Thursday, told reporters at the presidential palace that he had handed a letter with a request from President Hamid Karzai to Pakistani Prime Minister Navaz Sharif, in which he refers to Pakistan with a request not to be a bystander in the fight against terrorist groups, transmits television channel Tolo.
Two other major request of President Karzai are cross-border shelling and the release of Taliban prisoners in Pakistan, who are willing to participate in the peace process with the Afghan government.
Pakistan earlier this year released nearly 20 Taliban prisoners, including the deputy commander of the Taliban, Mullah Baradar. However, this has not led to a breakthrough in the peace process, and Islamabad has stopped the release of prisoners.
Advisor to the President said that in the ranks of militants fighting the Afghan law enforcement agencies, including major battles in Helmand, were seen Pakistani army officers.
Afghan official stressed that no country may use terrorism as an instrument of foreign policy towards another country. He added that if Pakistan takes Afghan preconditions, Kabul will also make every effort to help Pakistan in its fight against the Pakistani Taliban.
Afghan security officials, including national security agency (NSA), will meet with Pakistani counterparts in Islamabad on Thursday. They will talk about plans for Pakistan in fight with terrorism in North Vaziristan, the possible creation of the Border Patrol and the continuing rocket attacks on Kunar province.
Nearly 3,400 rockets were fired at the area in eastern Afghanistan from Pakistan in the past 18 months, which caused at least six cases of death of civilians.

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