Participants of the meeting of the Committee on Palestine in Tehran condemned Israel's actions in Gaza Strip

Date: 12:26, 05-08-2014.

Almaty. August 5. Silkroadnews - An emergency meeting of the Committee on Palestine "Non-Aligned Movement» (NAM) on Tuesday ended by adopting the final resolution, reports the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
The document calls to finish the violence in the Gaza Strip and blames Israel in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.
"Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Committee on Palestine strongly condemn the destructive, disproportionate and excessive use of military force by the occupation regime of Israel against the Palestinian civilian population and vital civilian infrastructure, including water and sewage systems, power plants, a huge number of hospitals and medical institutions, as well as against aid workers and rescue personnel and journalists",- said in the text of the resolution.

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