Passenger road transportation between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan will resume in March 2015

Date: 08:16, 10-11-2014.

Almaty. November 10. Silkroadnews - Passenger road transportation between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan will resume in March 2015, informs Xinhua.
So, one bus will operate between Kashgar and Jalal-Abad, and another - between Atushi and Osh. These four cities have an important status in the territory of the created economic zone of the Silk Road.
According to the report, Atushi-Osh route will be mainly focused on entrepreneurs. Kashgar - Jalalabad will advantageously employ workers from Kashgar in Jalal-Abad, where is developed agricultural production.
Recall trucking along two routes began 12 years ago and is held every week at both ends, but later moved to seasonal operations due to lack of passengers.

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