Premieres of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan discussed issues of bilateral cooperation

Date: 07:15, 09-02-2015.

Almaty. February 6. Silkrioadnews - Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Djoomart Otorbaev, in the framework of the first session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, met with the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov, reports KyrTAG.
During the meeting, J.Otorbaev noted that Kazakhstan is one of the main economic partners of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Parties noted the need to increase trade between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, creating the necessary conditions.
The two sides also discussed Kyrgyzstan's entry into the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as activities envisaged roadmap for accession to the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Community.
K. Massimov noted that Kazakhstan will continue to asupport the Kyrgyz side on the entry to the EAEC.

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