President of Kyrgyzstan will visit several European countries on an official visit

Date: 22:49, 23-03-2015.

Almaty. March 23. Silkroadnews - Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev will visit Austria, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, as well as the institutions of the EU (Brussels), transfers KyrTAG.
During an official visit to Austria on March 22, scheduled to meet with Austrian Federal President Heinz Fischer and Speaker of the Upper House of Parliament of Austria Sonia Tsvatsl, as well as participation in Kyrgyz-Austrian business forum.
In addition, the President will hold talks with the Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime Yury Fedotov, as well as the OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier.
Then, on March 25, Atambayev will visit France, where he will meet with President Francois Hollande and attend the Kyrgyz-French business forum.
On March 26, Kyrgyz President will pay official visit to Switzerland, during which will hold bilateral talks with President Simonetta Sommaruga and Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter.
Then the head of state will visit the Kingdom of Belgium on 26-30 March, where he will meet with King Philippe of Belgium, as well as the heads of the institutions of the European Union, in particular, with European Parliament President Martin Schulz, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk.
In addition, on March 31-April 1 Atambayev will pay a visit to Germany, where he will meet with the Federal President of Germany Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel.
During the visit the head of state in the European Union countries will sign a number of bilateral agreements aimed at developing cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other spheres.
"The visit of President Atambayev aimed at deepening political dialogue are designed to give new impetus to the development of relations with Kyrgyzstan, Austria, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, as well as the institutions of the European Union", - said in a statement.

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