President of Uzbekistan criticized economic zones operation

Date: 12:13, 09-10-2017.

Almaty. October 9. Silkroadnews - President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting devoted to analysis of operational effectiveness of free economic and small industrial zones created in the country, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
During the meeting the participants noted the undue work on creation of new free economic zones and improvement of effectiveness of the existing ones, need to optimize the organizational procedures, thus, raising the attraction of investors and entrepreneurs.
A separate $100-million credit line in foreign currency will be opened under support of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan following the order of the president to boost realization of investment projects in free economic zones.
The work on foreign investments attraction to set new production in the newly created free economic zones Urgut, Kokand, Gijduvan and Khazarasp, as well as in all pharmaceutical free economic zones, does not meet the due requirements. There are problems to ensure stable and uninterrupted provision of free economic and small industrial zones with electricity, natural gas, water, and, in general, engineering and communication networks.
The head of the state ordered to develop a set of measures to eliminate shortcomings in free economic and small industrial zones, creating more opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs.

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