President of Zimbabwe agreed to resign

Date: 08:31, 20-11-2017.

Almaty. November 20. Silkroadnews - President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe, who has led the country for 37 years, agreed to resign, the Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG) reports.
As reported by BBC Russian service, the ruling Zimbabwe ZANU-PF party has displaced R. Mugabe from his post of the party leader and elected 75-year-old former vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa, whom Mugabe dismissed two weeks ago, as its new leader.
“The party has also decided, in case R. Mugabe does not resign voluntarily by noon on Monday (local time), the impeachment process will be started against him,” the report says.
Reportedly ZANU-PF will nominate its leader E. Mnangagwa for the post of the head of the state. In addition, it is planned to introduce some amendments to the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
To remind, last week the military took into custody the president, his family and some cabinet ministers. The president was asked to voluntarily leave the office.
On Sunday, president’s wife Grace Mugabe, like a number of other high-ranking officials, was expelled from the ranks of the ruling party.
According to the observers, Mugabe still has many supporters and a halo of the hero of the liberation movement, thus, the army and political opponents want to give him the opportunity to leave with good grace, especially given his age as a father of the nation, which traditions teach to respect and honor the elderly people.
It is also reported that on Sunday R. Mugabe met with the command of the army, and soon should make a televised address. Details of the talks are not reported, yet the state press released photos with R. Mugabe shaking hands with the military officials.

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