Russia and Tajikistan will strengthen the social protection of migrant workers

Date: 08:18, 09-04-2015.

Almaty. April 9. Silkroadnews - Russia and Tajikistan intend to amend the agreement on labor migration, aimed at strengthening the legal protection of the rights of citizens of the two countries, informs the Tajik news agency (TajikTA) on Thursday.
"In the near future the government of Russia and Tajikistan intend to amend the agreement on labor activity and protection of rights of citizens of two countries", - says the publication.
As reported on April 2 in Dushanbe, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, prepared four additional agreements that are designed to bring migrants out of the shadows, make them full and secure.
According to additional agreements Russian officials will provide a set of organized labor migrants in Tajikistan; enhanced exchange of information on violators of the migration regime; conclude a readmission agreement (agreement of Tajikistan to receive expelled from Russia illegal migrants); mutual exchange of offices migration authorities (FMS branch in Dushanbe and Tajikistan Migration Service in Moscow).
Additional agreements will continue until the end of May, when Dushanbe plans to host the meeting of expert groups.

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