Russia will write off 95% of Uzbekistan million debt

Date: 14:03, 10-12-2014.

Almaty. December 10. Silkroadnews - Russia will forgive Uzbekistan 95% of the million debt, RBC.
"Russia will write off 95% of the debt accumulated in Uzbekistan. As of November, the total debt was about $890 million, of which $500 million accounted for the main debt and $388 million - accrued interest. Thus, Russia can forgive Uzbekistan debt of approximately $850 million",- says the publication.
It is noted that the balance will be repaid in one installment.
As reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin is on official visit in Uzbekistan.
The press service of the Russian president explained that during the visit should be reached agreements on the main directions of development and deepening of economic cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan for 2015-2019 years.

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