Russian airlines asks the Tajik Supreme Court to reverse the decision on the confiscation of 2 airplanes

Date: 12:46, 19-08-2014.

Almaty. August 19. Silkroadnews - «Management of Russian airline Rolkan Investments Ltd in a statement appealed to the Supreme Court (SC) of Tajikistan to cancel the forfeiture of two AN-72, adopted in November 2011", - transmits the press-service of the court.
It is expected that the application will be reviewed in September of this year.
Recall that the story of the aircraft began in March 2011, when the pilots of Rolkan Investmens Ltd returned from Kabul after the contract for the delivery of goods to the troops of ISAF. According to the pilots, they were issued permission to cross the border, but the dispatcher of "Tajikairnavigation" insists on absence of permission, and demanded the return to Kabul. Aircrafts did not have enough fuel for the return, and pilots performed emergency landing at Kurgan-Tube, where they were detained by the State Committee of National Security.
According to the court in early November 2011 the pilots were found guilty of illegal border crossing, smuggling and compliance with international standards of flight and sentenced to 8.5 years in prison. Two weeks later, at the request of the regional prosecutor verdict of Kurgan-Tube had been revised. The pilots were sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, but on the basis of the amnesty law were released from the courtroom.
In November 2011, the seized aircraft were given to the balance of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of Tajikistan, which has the right to put these aircraft for sale. But they continue to stay at the airport of Kurgan-Tube. CEO of Rolkan Investments Ltd Sergey Poluyanov has repeatedly declared the illegality of the confiscation of aircraft owned by the company.

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