Russian police will train Tajik counterparts to suppress the drug trade on the internet

Date: 09:17, 15-10-2014.

Almaty. October 15. Silkroadnews - Employees of the Federal Service for Drug Control (FDCS) of RF will train Tajik counterparts to identify Internet sites related to drug trafficking, reports TajikTA.
"Currently, Dushanbe hosts training courses for operational units of the Republic of Tajikistan on "Theory and practice of operational-search activity",- said the agency on drug control (DCA) under the President of Tajikistan.
According to information from the training course experienced operatives of Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation will train Tajik students studying methods of the operational situation and its prediction, detection websites related to drug trafficking, document on the operational-search activity, etc.
In addition, interactive sessions will be held to work with computers.
"The courses will continue until October 24", - noted in the department.

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