Security forces ramp up offensive operations in Afghan province of Balkh

Date: 10:20, 09-07-2018.

Beijing. Jul 9. Silkroadnews - An anti-Taliban operation, “Walid 9” has been launched in the northern Afghan province of Balkh following Eid ceasefire, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.
The fighting, reportedly, takes place in Chamtal district, so far at least 16 Taliban fighters have been killed and five villages have been cleared of Taliban insurgent.
According to General Akram Sami, chief of the province’s police, rebels arrived in the district from other areas of Balkh, as well as from the neighboring northern provinces of Jawzjan and Sar-e-Pul. The militants planned to seize the district center, but the Afghan security forces managed to repulse the offensive, Tolo News channel reported.
The Afghan National Army officials also say about offensive operations against the Taliban planned to be conducted in other districts of the country.
      As previously reported, after the ceasefire announced by the President of the IRA Ashraf Ghani, Afghan forces resumed active military operations on the territory of the country.

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