Silver reserves in Kyrgyzstan are estimated at 2.3 thousand tons
Almaty. March 3. Silkroadnews - Silver reserves in Kyrgyzstan are estimated at 2.3 tons, reports KyrTAG referring to the materials distributed at the Business Forum "Kyrgyzstan - Tatarstan".
"Actually there is only one main field - Kumyshtag, the forecasted reserves are about 2 thousand tons. Explored reserves of silver also found at gold deposits in a volume of more than 300 tons", - reported in the media.
Also noted copper reserves found in the fields of Kuru-Tegerek (1.02 million tons of ore containing 0.6%), Taldybulak (750 thousand tons - 0.2%), Andash (96.1 thousand tons - 0.47%).