Switzerland will allocate Kyrgyzstan $ 1.9 million for the elections in 2015-2017

Date: 06:29, 09-02-2015.

Almaty. February 6. Silkroadnews - According to the press service of the Embassy of Switzerland, the government will allocate $1 million 980 thousand for the project entitled "Strengthening of democratic procedures in the electoral processes of the Kyrgyz Republic" to support the Kyrgyz authorities in this field.
The project will contribute to democratic change in the upcoming parliamentary, municipal and presidential elections in 2015-2017. The aim of the project - to support the efforts of the Kyrgyz authorities to strengthen democracy in the electoral process.
It is noted that the project will provide more than 200 automated ballot boxes for all polling stations in Karakol, Kant, Naryn, Jalal-Abad, Batken. Also, the project will strengthen the dispute settlement system by training judges and law enforcement officers of the new electoral system.
In addition, local civil society organizations will raise awareness of the new electoral system and provide the monitoring of elections.

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