Tajikistan sent an official note to Kyrgyzstan in connection with the incident at the border

Date: 07:30, 11-07-2014.

Almaty. July 11. KazTAG - Tajikistan sent to Kyrgyzstan a note to clarify the incident happened on the border, according to the Tajik news agency (TajiikTA).
Tajik Foreign Ministry reported that on July 10, the day of the skirmish, in the territory allotted to the cooperative farm "Vorukh" Isfara region of Tajikistan, Tajik citizens were carriying out works on pipeline.
As a result of the firefight, seven civilians were wounded and one citizen of Tajikistan was killed.
Foreign Minister of Tajikistan reports that the Tajik border guards did not have a single shot.
"In connection with the incident, that occured despite repeated arrangements between two countries, Tajik side expresses its regrets for violation of these agreements by separate bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic", - said in a statement.
Meanwhile, according to the State Border Guard Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, to 8:00 am on Friday the situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik state border remains tense.

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