Tatarstan to start direct flight connection with Iran in 2018
Almaty. November 25. Silkroadnews – Tatarstan is getting ready to meet the first organized group of tourists from Iran next year to be followed by the direct flight connection to start with this country as of 2018, Russian media write.
“We met with Iranian tour companies, some of them are interested in work with Kazan, some – not, yet next year we will start regular tours through Moscow. That is, the tourists will arrive in Moscow and then visit three cities – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, and in 2018 will try to start direct flights to Kazan”, chairman of the State Committee of Tatarstan on Tourism Sergey Ivanov said.
To serve the tourists arriving from this Muslim country Kazan is ready, the state committee for tourism reports, to offer two hotels certified as meeting with “Halal-friendly standard”.