Tehran denies information about Iranian military presence in Iraq

Date: 13:33, 06-03-2015.

Almaty. March 6. Silkroadnews - Tehran denies information about Iranian military presence in Iraq for the purpose of direct participation in battles against the IS group, reported the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
According to the press secretary of the Iranian Foreign Ministry Marziya Afham, Iran has never deployed its troops in the territory of a neighboring state.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran has no soldiers sent to Iraq, and does not have such plans", - said at a briefing M.Afham in Tehran.
At the same time the representative of the Foreign Ministry clarified that Iran only provides assistance to the Iraqi side in the form of military advice on the planning and execution of operations against militants of IS. "Iran intends to continue to provide assistance to the Government of Iraq, which includes sending there our military advisers", - she added.
Earlier this week, a number of publications in the United States, reported that Iran has a very active support to the Iraqi authorities in the military operation to liberate the city of Tikrit, which is controlled by militants since last summer. In particular, the publication The Wall Street Journal reported that, in this operation are directly involved elite fighters of the Iranian military formation "Islamic Revolution Guards Corps" (IRGC).

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