Tehran will not allow unannounced inspections of its nuclear facilities, the head of Iran's atomic agency

Date: 07:53, 21-11-2014.

Almaty. November 20. Silkroadnews - Islamic Republic of Iran will not allow anyone to conduct unscheduled inspections of nuclear sites in the country, said the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, reported the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
According to Ali Abdallah Salih, Tehran today fulfills all its obligations under the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the country will not allow unscheduled inspections of its nuclear facilities for someone else.
"We have repeatedly said that we are a party to the treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and we signed it ... We are members of the IAEA and we sign and implement the agreement on safeguards, and therefore, there is no reason for them to establish any special provisions for us",- said the head of Iran nuclear scientist.
According to him, the IAEA has conducted more than 7 thousand man-hours of inspections at nuclear power plants of the country, and this despite the fact that at all, without exception, the Iranian nuclear facilities established a surveillance camera, which is conducted through the twenty-four hours filming and broadcasting their activities.
However, the head of Iran's atomic agency said that at present the Islamic Republic has achieved self-sufficiency in terms of the production of nuclear fuel in the volumes required for the smooth functioning of nuclear reactors in the country.
At the same time, he strongly refuted recently in a number of media reports that Iran allegedly agreed to supply nuclear fuel to other countries, including Russia, as untrue. Thus Salehi pointed to recently reached agreement between Iran and the Russian Federation on the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear energy.

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