The Afghan army is the least efficient in Central Asia - rating
Almaty. May 14. Silkroadnews - The armed forces of Afghanistan is the most unfit for action in the world ranking 102th out of 126 in the Global Firepower Index, reported Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
The rankings take into account about 50 different factors, including the number of troops, the number of military equipment for combat operations on land, air and sea. Also taken into account the economic resources that the country can spend on arms. In addition, one of the factors was the geographical location of the countries included in the list.
First dozen of most powerful military states are: United States, Russia, China, India, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Turkey, South Korea and Japan. The last took place Mali, Mozambique, Somalia.
Among the countries of Central Asia the most powerful army is the army of Uzbekistan, which occupies in the ranking 54th place. Kazakhstan is on the 66th, Kyrgyzstan - in the 78th and Turkmenistan on 90th place.