The CIS countries will create a coordinating council for reclamation of farmland

Date: 07:45, 20-11-2015.

Almaty. November 20. Silkroadnews - Coordinating Council for reclamation of agricultural land will be created in CIS, BelTA informs.
"General for States - participants of the CIS economic, geographic, climatic and historical factors largely determine the importance and necessity of ongoing dialogue of specialists in land reclamation in order to strengthen mutual integration processes," - said the director of the Department of Land Reclamation Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Daniil Putjatin at the held on 19 November in Moscow Intergovernmental Council meeting on agriculture of the CIS.
Participants of the meeting agreed that the strengthening of cooperation of states - participants of the CIS in the field of land reclamation will be crucial for the development of agriculture and the achievement of key performance indicators of food security in each country.
In addition, taking into account the cross-border aspect of the available water and land resources cooperation will help to solve the most important tasks to improve soil fertility, conservation and increase the area of ​​reclaimed land.
As the individual activities are considered essential measures to improve the scientific, educational and human resource capacity reclamation complex.
Intergovernmental Council for the agro-industrial complex of the CIS was established in 1993. Participants to the agreement are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

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