The economic fall in Russia slow down the GDP of Tajikistan - experts

Date: 14:32, 23-07-2014.

Dushanbe. July 23. Silkroadnews - Experts note that the slowdown in economic growth in Russia slowed down the growth of GDP in Tajikistan, the Tajik news agency reports (TajikTA).
"GDP growth of Tajikistan slow down under the influence of a slowdown in Russia's economy and an unfavorable international environment for exported products from Tajikistan (aluminum and cotton), but remained at a high level of 7% in annual terms", - said the study "Macromonitor CIS", published by the Research Department of Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).
Also noted improvements in industry (+3.6%), which explains the high growth in mining and accelerated growth in many manufacturing industries, offsetting the decline in metallurgy (-27.6%) and textiles (-33.6%) .
At the same time, the study notes that for the quarter significantly deteriorated the trade deficit (- $699.8 million compared to - $476.3 million as a result of the reduction in the amounts and in nominal terms, exports of aluminum and cotton, the country's exports fell by 37.1%, while imports continued to experience strong growth (+10.7%).

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