The economic growth of Tajikistan in 2015 will slow to 5% - EBRD
Almaty. November 9. Silkroadnews - In Tajikistan, in 2015 economic growth will slow to 5%, in 2016 - to 4.5%, predicts the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Earlier, the EBRD forecasted economic slowdown in Tajikistan to 4.5% in 2015, and in 2016 - to 3.8%.
According to analysts of the Bank, the negative effects of the reduction in remittances in the country was able to be mitigated by significant investment inflows from China, however, have been reduced the volume of investments from other countries.
In the last year the national currency of Tajikistan - Somoni - has significantly depreciated, leading to an increase in non-performing loans to the banking system of the country, given the high level of dollarization in the country.
The intervention of the National Bank of Tajikistan in the foreign exchange market and taken administrative measures contributed to the retention of the course, but it has led to a significant reduction in international reserves of the country, the amount of which at the moment is "very low".
Reduced remittances, returning migrants and, in general, a weak economy, have led to an increased risk of social security in the country.
Inflation in Tajikistan at the end of 2015 is expected to reach 6.4%.