The right to vote in Uzbekistan is limited due to the lack of competition - OSCE

Date: 12:17, 25-02-2015.

Almaty. February 25. Silkroadnews - the right to freedom of voters in Uzbekistan is limited, thus reducing competition in the elections, informed the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to KazTAG.
The report was prepared on the results of the OSCE observer mission for the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan in December 2014.
According to the mission, changes in the electoral legislation in Uzbekistan do not resolve the main problems for the elections in conformity with international obligations and standards. In particular, it concerns the implementation of the principle of freedom, the prohibition on participation in the election of independent candidates, as well as restrictions on voting rights for convicted persons.
The OSCE Mission also noted the high level of organization of the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan, fixing a number of irregularities in the voting process. According to observers, voting and vote counting took place efficiently and transparently. However, the mission noted the lack of transparency in the summing up at most polling stations visited by observers.
On Monday, the mission of the OSCE ODIHR Limited started its work of monitoring the presidential elections in Uzbekistan, which will be held on March 29. It consists of 11 international experts based in Tashkent, and 10 long-term observers to be sent to the regions of the country.
As part of the monitoring of the presidential elections, the mission met with the candidates and representatives of various government bodies and political parties, as well as with representatives of the judicial system, civil society and the media.

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