The trade turnover of EAEC with China could reach $100 billion - EEC

Date: 06:46, 30-10-2015.

Almaty. October 29. Silkroadnews - The trade turnover between the countries of the EAEC and China could reach $100 billion, according to a member of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Sergei Sidorsky.
"We can reach a volume of $100 billion in trade with China. But we are not going to be China's most important trading partner. It is necessary to change the situation. After all, China itself notes that the strengthening of cooperation with the EAEC is in its priority. We must also move in this direction", - quotes KyrTAG  S.Sidorsky at the tenth international conference "Eurasian Economic Commission" on Thursday.
According to him, the EAEC countries need to actively work to attract resources for the implementation of joint infrastructure projects from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
"Today we make a little high-tech products to foreign markets. We need to move to an economy of offers. And this requires investment in new production. Due to the deep diversification of production, we will be able to occupy new niches in the world market. But for that we need additional financial tools and resources. Implementation of joint projects can be more effective at the expense of the Eurasian Development Bank. Also, we need the closer cooperation with the BRICS Bank and the Asian Development Bank for infrastructure projects", - he added.

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