The United States have adopted new rules for the collection of data on citizens to counter terrorism

Date: 14:14, 03-06-2015.

Almaty. June 3. Silkroadnews - President Barack Obama signed a law, the so-called "USA Freedom Act", which allows intelligence agencies to collect data on citizens to counter terrorism, reported RBC.
"USA Feedom Act prohibits the massive listening and monitoring of electronic communications of American citizens. Instead, it obliges telecommunication companies to keep records of these communications. According to the document, intelligence officials to gain access to information of the database, will have to seek the court's decision",- said in a statement on Wednesday.
As noted, the need for new regulations of the National Security Agency (NSA) emerged after the Court of Appeal in the United States on May 7, 2015 decided that the program of the agency to collect metadata about the phone calls of millions of Americans is illegal.
US lawmakers had to urgently adopt a new act regulating the work of the NSA.

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