The World Bank has lowered the forecast of Uzbekistan's GDP in 2015 to 7%

Date: 18:17, 27-10-2015.

Almaty. October 27. Silkroadnews - World Bank (WB) has lowered the forecast of GDP growth of Uzbekistan in 2015 to 7% from 7.6%, which he represented in June this year, reported UzTAG.
According to the World Bank report "Low commodity prices and weak currencies",  the forecast of economic growth in Uzbekistan in 2016 will be 7.5% against the previous 7.8%, in 2017 - 7.7% versus 8%.
The external current account balance in 2015 will be 0.2% of GDP against 1.3% a year earlier, according to the World Bank experts. In 2016 the figure was 0.3%, in 2017 - 0.4%.
According to the document, on the economy of Uzbekistan will affect two factors - low prices for cotton and gold, weak economic performance in key export markets, primarily in Russia, China and Kazakhstan, as well as the reduction of remittances from individuals - by 1.55 times in 2015 year.
Earlier it was reported that the Uzbek government forecasts GDP growth in 2015 at 8% compared to 8.1% in 2014.

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