The World Bank is financing gardening in the Afghan province of Ghor

Date: 20:10, 04-05-2015.

Almaty. May 4. Silkroadnews - The World Bank financed the horticulture in the western province of Ghor, to help local people meet their basic needs, reported Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
Through the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in Ghor were financed device orchards and vegetable gardens for 520 women and 400 men in the area Dovlatyar and administrative center of the province Ferozkoh.
Each of them received 66 apple seedlings, 20 kg of fertilizer and 3 kg of seeds, reports business portal
Such assistance will continue over the next 5 years, and the project is expected to be extended to other areas of the region to help residents to solve their economic problems.

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