To fire from office mayors who have failed preparational works for the winter, offers a Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan
Almaty. October 31. Silkroadnews - First Vice Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Tayirbek Sarpashev offered to dismiss a number of mayors and heads of regions for lack of work in preparations for the autumn-winter period, transfers KyrTAG.
"For unsatisfactory preparation for winter I propose to dismiss the mayor of Isphana Kozubaev, akim of Issyk Kul district Salmakeev, akim of Ak-Tala district of Naryn region Ismanbetov" ,- said T.Sarpashev at the parliamentary session.
"To reprimand akim of Aksy district of Jalal-Abad region Aidaraliev, akim of Kemin district Supataev, the mayor of Bishkek K.Kulmatov".
In addition, the Education Minister Kanat Sadykov asked to consider compliance with the post of head of Kemin district education department.
"Now we give a chance, after 2-3 months we will give suggestions for the removal of these officials",- concluded T.Sarpashev.