To recover from Ebola West Africa needs more than $7 billion

Date: 13:18, 13-07-2015.

Almaty. July 13. Silkroadnews - To recover from Ebola, West Africa need more than $7 billion, reported the UN news center.
"For the implementation of three national plans and one regional plan for the next two years Africa will require 7, 2 billion USD. Four billion of them will go to the restoration of the entire region"-,  said the publication with reference to the President of Liberia Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, speaking at an international conference at the UN headquarters.
In turn, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the investment in the economy of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia will bring global dividends, including in the context of prevention of local and regional pandemics.
He also called for the strengthening of partnership to build a world free of Ebola. The World Health Organization reported that in West Africa during the week that ended on July 5 was recorded 30 confirmed cases of Ebola: 18 in Guinea, Liberia 3 and 9 in Sierra Leone. WHO experts called to strengthen the fight for the eradication of this disease, which has infected a total of 27 600 people. 11 000 cases were fatal.

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