Trade turnover between Russia and China to reach $200 billion by 2025

Date: 11:21, 24-07-2017.

Almaty. July 24. Silkroadnews – The trade turnover between Russia and China is expected to reach $200 billion by 2025, Russian information portal Baikal Finance reported.
“The trade turnover between Russia and China is expected to reach $200 billion by 2025. Aviation projects will provide a significant part of this”, report said.
Today Russia and China are said to cooperate in two major joint projects in the field of aviation.
“As of today we have two joint projects: one of them is a heavy helicopter for Chinese colleagues to be developed by “Russian Helicopters” company. We have not yet signed a final contract, but expect the representatives of the Chinese aviation industry and Russian Helicopters to reach a compromise on financial conditions. I believe this will take place. The second and the largest project is the development, design and co-production of a wide-body long-range aircraft”, Russia’s Minister of Trade and Industry Denis Manturov said.
According to him, the shape of the future long-range aircraft and its main technical characteristics are expected to be determined by the end of 2018.

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