Turkey withdraws its ambassador from the Vatican after the Pope's words

Date: 06:55, 13-04-2015.

Almaty. April 13. Silkroadnews - The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced withdrawing of the country's ambassador from the Vatican in response to the words of Pope Francis, who called the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, "the first genocide of the XX century", reported the BBC Russian Service.
Pope Francis said this during the traditional Mass in St. Peter's in Rome. The pontiff called on to "preserve the memory of senseless slaughter".
Turkish Foreign Ministry, after the announcement of the Pope, summoned the Vatican ambassador to Ankara.
Turkey does not recognize the happened as genocide and has expressed strong protest two years ago, when the Pope first used this term in relation to the events of 1915.
According to the estimates of Armenian and many independent historians, during the First World War as a result of systematic killings from Turkish troops were killed 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey believes that this figure is inflated and explains the death of the Armenian as realities of wartime.
The Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire before World War was 2.5 million.

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