U.S. to allocate around $1 billion to eliminate chemical weapons in 2019

Date: 10:47, 13-02-2018.

Beijing. February 13. Silkroadnews - The U.S. plans to allocate around $1 billion in the future financial year to eliminate its chemical weapons (CW) arsenals, Maj. Gen. Paul Chamberlain said, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.
The ground forces ask for $994 million on the chemical weapons elimination program authorized by the U.S. Congress. The 2019 funding supports the pilot enterprises to be involved in chemical weapons elimination, TASS cited the General saying.
Reportedly, by now Washington has eliminated around 90% of its stockpile of chemical warfare agents, which amounted to about 28,000 tons.
Initially, it was assumed that both Russia and the United States would complete the process of eliminating this kind of weapon in 2012. Last year Russia completed the process of eliminating its CW arsenal. The U.S. Department of State said the U.S. authorities plan to complete the elimination by the end of 2023.

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