US military forces rank China, Iran and Russia as the largest cyber threats - media

Date: 08:10, 29-04-2015.

Almaty. April 28. Silkroadnews - US military forces rank China, Iran and Russia as the largest cyber threats, informs the newspaper "People's Daily".
"The Pentagon unveiled a new strategy, for the first time clearly specifying the circumstances, under which the network can be used as a weapon to counter hackers, as well as listing the most dangerous countrie in the opinion of Pentagon. The list includes China, Russia, Iran and North Korea", - said the publication with reference to foreign media.
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, speaking at Stanford University announced this policy.
In his speech  A. Carter noted that the White House, the US State Department and the Pentagon were hit by cyber attacks a few months ago.
The strategy emphasizes that the company will be responsible for resistance to conventional attacks. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for checking more complex attacks and help the private sector to protect against them.
However, according to the official, among the attacks on the US network, about 2% may rise to the level of responsibility at the national level.  And they will be brought to justice with the help of the Pentagon cyber command in Maryland.

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