Uzbekistan to reform the law enforcement agencies

Date: 13:23, 12-04-2017.

Almaty. April 12. Silkroadnews – Uzbekistan has approved a program of measures to fundamentally reform the law enforcement agencies system within the framework of the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On measures to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, strengthen their responsibility for ensuring public order, reliable protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens”, Trend reports.

“The most important directions of reforming the law enforcement agencies system, as stipulated by the decree, are to transform the law enforcement agencies into “the socially-oriented professional service”, which activities should be aimed to “provide the population with timely and high-quality assistance””, the publication reads.

It is noted, the tasks and functions of law enforcement agencies’ units should be clearly defined and differentiated at all the levels, their organizational and staff structure should be optimized, their forces and funds should be “allocated in a rational way” taking into account the modern challenges and threats, as well as the significance and scope of the work they perform”.

It is also planned to implement a system for the law enforcement officials’ reporting to the public, clear criteria to evaluate their performance, as well as mechanisms for public, parliamentary and deputy control over the enforcement of law in their activities.

The system of training, retraining and competences development for the law enforcement officials is to be revised fundamentally with further improvement, the material and technical support for the agencies’ activities will be improved to provide for “the employees’ decent working conditions”.

Since October of this year the head of the ministry of internal affairs will twice a year present a report on prevention of offenses to the senate, also the corresponding reports of the heads of law enforcement agencies will be presented, based on which “personal evaluation of performance and effectiveness” will be carried out.

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