Zimbabwe doubled supply of tires from China

Date: 06:43, 03-10-2017.

Almaty. October 3. Silkroadnews - Zimbabwe has doubled the supply of tires from China, the Zimbabwean newspaper News Day reported.
“National Tyre Services Limited (NTSL) will be doubling down products from China, which are at least 50% cheaper than those obtained from their usual suppliers in South Africa,” the report said.
With this it is noted that with purchasing products in China, NTSL’s sales volume increased 14% in the first five months of the financial year (from April to August 2017) compared to the same period of last year.
According to the company’s managing director Kennedy Mandevani, the most important factor for consumers is price.
“As the hard pressed consumer out there is looking for cheaper products, tyres and discounted products, we are now forced to bring the low priced Chinese products with low margin as opposed to our premium products,” the agency quoted him saying.
He also noted, the concept of cost per mileage, suggesting that more expensive tires will last longer, which means they will be more profitable in the long run for the price, did not affect the consumer.
Reportedly 40% of the market in Zimbabwe is currently occupied by smuggled tires.

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