1/3 of Kyrgyz GDP attributable to money transfers
Bishkek. April 25. Silkroadnews -1/3 of Kyrgyz GDP is attributable to money transfers made by migrant workers, as Kyrgyz PM Jomart Otorbaev reported at the working session of Parliamentary majority coalition.
“Kyrgyz GDP is USD 7 bln, 2.5 bln of it is attributable to money transfers made by migrant workers”, he said.
Tashbolot Baltabaev, the MP, accused the government in hyping up GDP figures. “You are claiming that GDP growth is 10.5%. However, the World Bank estimates that 40% of GDP is attributable to migrant workers’ earnings”, he stated.
The PM, in his turn, reminded that The World Bank has its own methodology to calculate the numbers. GDP growth was just 0.5 two years ago. We have managed to bring it to 10.5% within the last two years. This is a big economic achievement”, he noticed.