4.1 million Somoni of financial harm was revealed as a result of inspection on “Istiqlol” tunnel construction in Tajikistan
Almaty. August 5. Silkroadnews – In Tajikistan inspection on “Istiqlol” tunnel construction revealed financial losses to the amount of almost $511 thousand, Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reported on Friday.
“The financial harm in the amount of 4 million 13 thousand Somoni ($510 thousand) has been revealed by the Auditing Chamber of Tajikistan during financial inspection on the project of “Istiqlol” motor transport tunnel construction”, head of the Auditing Chamber of Tajikistan Dilmurod Davlatov said.
According to him, the damage was formed due to subscripts made during the object construction.
“Istiqlol” tunnel goes under the mountain passes Anzob located 90km north of Dushanbe on the highway Dushanbe-Khujand (northern Tajikistan).
On August 1 Tajikistan’s Minister of Transport Sherali Gandzhalzoda said the additional funds are required to complete works on “Istiqlol” tunnel construction. To raise such additional funds Tajikistan appealed to Iran.
According to the minister, currently this issue is being considered by the government of Iran. The Tajik government is also ready to allocate a part of funds for this purpose.
To remind, a 5.2 km long “Istiqlol” tunnel was formally put into operation in 2006.