6.5 million Chinese to go abroad during Chinese New Year celebration

Date: 12:39, 05-02-2018.

Beijing. February 5. Silkroadnews - 6.5 million Chinese will go abroad during the celebration of the Chinese New Year, China Daily reports.
“A total of 6.5 million Chinese will travel overseas during the upcoming week-long Spring Festival holiday, said a report released by China Tourism Academy and Ctrip,” the publication reads.
Residents of more than 200 Chinese cities have booked tours to more than 700 cities in 68 countries and regions using a popular online travel agency Ctrip, based in Shanghai.
While travelling the tourists are estimated to spend 9,500 yuan ($1,510) each.
The most popular destinations are Thailand, Japan, Singapore and Vietnam. The countries of Northern Europe and the United Arab Emirates are also among the favorites. Some of the tourists will go to Antarctica.
According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the Year of the Dog will begin on February 16.
During the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday in 2017, 6.15 million Chinese travelled overseas, the report says.

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