75% of Kyrgyzstan territory is under the risk of degradation of natural resources
Bishkek. June 30. Silkroadnews - In Kyrgyzstan, 75% of the area are under the increased risk of degradation of natural resources, said the coordinator of the UNDP-UNEP "Poverty and Environment" Gulnara Abdykalykova, reports KyrTAG.
"In Kyrgyzstan, rapid economic growth is often achieved at the expense of the uncontrolled use of natural resources. In general, according to expert estimations, more than 75% of the country are now at increased risk of degradation of natural resource"- said G.Abdykalykova to journalists on Monday.
According to her, 65% of the population lives in rural areas and experiencing dependence on natural resources. "The growth of the degradation of agricultural land today is 45%, and the loss of water exceeds 30%".