About $300 thousand alloates USA to Kyrgyzstan for liquidation and proper storage of weapons

Date: 15:05, 14-11-2014.

Almaty. November 14. Silkroadnews - Nearly $300 thousand allocated US to Kyrgyzstan for liquidation and proper storage of small arms and light weapons, transfers KyrTAG.
"The United States of America are pleased to announce the allocation of $402 thousand under the assistance of the OSCE on the learning objectives and ensure proper storage of small arms and light weapons (SALW) in the Central Asian region. These funds will support two projects in Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic",- said in a statement on the website of the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic.
One grant of $120 thousand is intended for use within the OSCE project on capacity building and technical assistance in the reduction of hazardous facilities in the Central Asian region.
"The second part of the grant in the amount of $82 thousand will go to strengthen the capacity of the Kyrgyz Republic in the liquidation and proper storage of SALW", - says the embassy.
Embassy emphasizes that the spread of illicit conventional weapons, including small arms and light weapons (SALW), in those regions of the world that suffer from political instability and violent conflict, has become a significant obstacle to peace and economic development, as well as post-war reconstruction efforts in countries .
"Since 1993, the United States has contributed $2.5 million to assist in eliminating the threats of mines, as well as for the destruction of unprotected arms and ammunition in more than 90 countries around the world", - says the message.

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