About a quarter of all Iranian imports are goods from China

Date: 11:46, 30-01-2015.

Almaty. January 30. Silkroadnews - Iran provides about a quarter of the domestic market due to imports of goods from China, informs the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) with reference to the head of the department of trade with the countries of Asia and Oceania, trade promotion organizations of Iran Muzhtaba Musaviyan.
According to him, nearly 30% of total Iranian exports go to China, while about a quarter of the needs of the Iranian market provides imported goods from China.
However, the head of the department stressed that Iran is considering steps to further expanding trade relations with China as one of the important directions of its foreign trade. He noted that China's rich culture and implemented reforms became the basis of all progress made in this country in recent years.
In addition, M.Musaviyan recalled more opportunities for development of bilateral cooperation that exist in the field of investment cooperation. He said that Iran was ranked eighth in terms of direct investment from China to other countries.
According to statistics, in 10 months of the current Iranian year (21.03.2014 - 01.20.2015 years.) Iran exported to China various non-oil products worth $ 8.11 billion.

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