Afghanistan celebrates the ceremony of inauguration of new president

Date: 08:26, 29-09-2014.

Almaty. September 29. Silkroadnews - In Afghanistan, on September 29 is celebarted a ceremony of inauguration of the new president of the country, according to ITAR-TASS.
"The new president of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai will take oath on September 29 and officially assume his duties. The solemn ceremony will be held in the palace of the head of the Islamic Republic in Kabul",- says the publication.
The occasion of the inauguration of President in Afghanistan on September 29 is officially declared a public holiday. In Kabul, introduced security measures. Afghan media have already dubbed the new order "Iron Curtain" - reinforced patrols of police and army blocked all entrances to the city, and the key metropolitan areas, security forces subjected to careful examination, all vehicles, is a mass of personal documents.
According to the program of the event immediately after the completion of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai inauguration time as president of the country will lead the oath of Prime Minister Abdul Abdullah and two vice-presidents - Abdul Rashid Dostum and Mohammad Sarwar Danesh.
It is noted that there will be a large number of foreign visitors, the Afghan political, social and religious leaders. Afghan authorities for security reasons has not disclosed the exact number and composition of the participants in the ceremony. Among the guests - about 200 representatives of foreign countries and organizations.
As recalled by the agency A.Ahmadzai defeated in the second round of the presidential election with 55.27% of the vote.

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