Afghanistan’s Central Bank is going to ban Pakistani rupee
Almaty. August 2. Silkroadnews – Afghanistan’s Central Bank has taken some steps to ban the use of Pakistani rupee within the country, Afghan news agency (AfTAG) reports.
Currently the Pakistani rupee are commonly used in the southern provinces of Afghanistan, including the provinces of Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan and Zabul.
The economic experts have expressed their concerns on the use of foreign currency in commercial transactions, as the Afghan currency started to lose its value.
The country’s central bank has undertaken serious measures to address this issue, thus, this initiative has been launched at Spin Boldak – a border town in the east of Kandahar, one of three major border crossings between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The officials noted a sharp drop in the use of Pakistani rupees in Spin Boldak after publication of the Central Bank’s letter, in which residents were asked to use for calculations and settlements Afghani rather than foreign currency.
According to the letter mentioned, the transactions in the Pakistani rupee are now strictly prohibited, the violators shall be fined.