Afghanistan’s major copper mining is frozen due to security concerns
Almaty. December 13. Silkroadnews – Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Yao Jing said the major setback to start works at the largest Aynak copper deposit are the security problems, Afghan news agency (AfTAG) writes.
According to Yao Jing, security problems near the Aynak deposit (Logar province) prevent the development of the field, which could bring Afghanistan hundreds of millions of dollars and create thousands of jobs.
It is stated that the tender to develop the Aynak deposit, one of the world’s largest deposits, was won by the Chinese concern China Metallurgical Group Corp back in 2007. Since then China has spent about $100 million on infrastructure around the deposit. The total cost of the project is estimated to make $3 billion.
Chinese Ambassador has noted, the project is important for China and can contribute a lot to the Afghan economy. At present the general contractor’s representatives negotiate with the Afghan government on the deposit works renewal.