Afghanistan to resume construction of three hydroelectric power stations

Date: 16:41, 09-03-2017.

Almaty. March 9. Silkroadnews – Afghanistan will resume the construction of three hydroelectric power stations, Afghan Telegraph Agency (AftAG) reports.

“Decision by the National Procurement Commission states to transfer $40 million to the Ministry of Finance of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to resume the construction of three hydroelectric power stations”, the report said.
The funds are reported to be allocated to continue construction works on the projects of Pashdan in the province of Herat, Machalga in Paktia province and Almar in Faryab province.

“Works on these sites were interrupted six months ago because of the difficulties with construction contracts. All projects were started about 5 years ago, yet only 10% have been realized so far. Currently, agreements are being concluded for the supply of materials for construction, and projects will be resumed in the near future”, Afghan Deputy Finance Minister said.

The total cost of construction of three HPSs will amount to more than $200 million.

The completion of the works is expected to allow irrigating more than 2 thousand hectares of farmland.

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