AIIB to expand the private funds participation in the investment projects co-funding

Date: 17:18, 29-08-2016.

Almaty. August 29. Silkroadnews – The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is getting ready to launch the mechanisms of cooperation with private funds, thus, to extend the private investors' participation in projects co-funding, «Xinhua» agency writes.

«Flexible and efficient practical co-operation should contribute to provide the private funds with more opportunities to participate in co-funding of investment projects», said the head of the bank Jin Liqun.

Among the possible partners for cooperation he called those involved in long-term management of private capital, for example, in pension support and commercial insurance fields.

The head of the bank emphasized that since its establishment the AIIB has managed to succeed in cooperation with existing multilateral institutions of development and launch four projects, among which three projects were raised on the co-funding basis.

The very nature of the AIIB and principles upon which the organization builds its work determine the wide scope of cooperation with entrepreneurs all over the world, Jin Liqun has noted. With this the AIIB, in his opinion, should play a «leading» role – accumulating capital as much as possible and directing the financial flows into the infrastructure and related manufacturing industries, as well as to act «in advance» in building a wider market for private capital.

Jin Liqun also added the procurements on the projects funded by the AIIB «are open for businesses throughout the world».

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