An explosive-packed vehicle has been captured in Kabul

Date: 11:26, 12-07-2018.

Beijing. Jul 12. Silkroadnews - During the operation in the province of Kabul, officers of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) have seized a truck carrying explosives, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.
According to the Afghan authorities, the vehicle was stopped in the Bagrami district, not far from the Afghan capital. As a result of the search, about 1,350 kilograms of explosives were seized from the truck.
Information on the date of the operation, as well as on the detention of persons involved in transportation of dangerous goods, has not been disclosed.
With this, the NDS noted, the explosives had been delivered to Kabul from the neighboring province of Logar.
Reportedly, it is the Haqqani network, guerrilla insurgent group responsible for many Taliban attacks, is responsible for organizing the transportation of explosives.

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