Another explosion occurred in Kabul, near demonstration in support of Dostum

Beijing. Jul 17. Silkroadnews - A bomb exploded in the Afghan capital not far from the venue where the demonstration was organized in support of First Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum on Monday, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) wrote referring to the law enforcement agencies representatives.
The attack occurred in Kabul’s Shahri-Nau district in the afternoon. The suicide bomber was going to detonate explosive devices among the protesters, yet was discovered by the security forces officers, who opened the fire on the attacker. The only person killed was the suicide bomber, no other victims have been recorded.
None of the groups of irreconcilable armed opposition has claimed responsibility for the explosion.
Representatives of the Junbish-e-Milli party (the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan), headed by General Dostum, expressed confidence that the attack was a result of a political conspiracy.
Dustum left the country in May last year amid a scandal involving accusations of illegal hostage-taking and torture. The opposition regards his departure as a political exile and continues to demand his return to the country.