Artificial intelligence has surpassed doctors in neuroimaging recognition contest

Beijing. Jul 2. Silkroadnews - An artificial intelligence (AI) system scored 2:0 against elite human physicians Saturday in two rounds of competitions in diagnosing brain tumors and predicting hematoma expansion in Beijing, Global Times reports.
The BioMind AI system, developed for the treatment of neurological diseases by Artificial Intelligence Research Centre for Neurological Disorders at the Beijing Tiantan Hospital and a research team from the Capital Medical University, correctly diagnosed 87% of 225 cases in about 15 minutes, while a team of 15 senior physicians only achieved 66-% accuracy.
The AI also gave correct predictions in 83% of the cases of brain hematoma expansion, while the accuracy of the predictions of a group of doctors from well-known hospitals from all over the country only made 63%.
The accuracy of diagnoses and physician predictions was quite normal and even better than the average in hospitals, said Gao Peiyi, head of the radiology department at Tiantan Hospital, a leading institution for neurology and neurosurgery.
To educate the AI, the developers provided the device with tens of thousands of images of diseases associated with the nervous system over the last 10 years as archived in the Tiantan hospital, which made it capable of diagnosing common neurologic diseases, such as meningioma and glioma, with an accuracy of 90%.
According to the organizers of the competitions, all the cases were real and provided by the hospital, but these specific cases were not used in the training of AI.