Atambayev is dissatisfied with the reduction of the number of women and an increase in businesmen in the new parliament

Date: 11:40, 06-11-2015.

Almaty. November 6. Silkroadnews - The current Kyrgyz parliament has violated all quotas on the number of women, said President Atambaev.
"In this Parliament violated all quotas for women and youth. Today, there are 24 women instead of 36", - quoted KyrTAG Atambayev during a speech in parliament on Friday.
The head of state noted that the latest elections were attended by many businessmen.
"We have multimillionaires eager to work in parliament. Why is that? Regulation allows Parliament to come here only 1-2 times a year. It is impossible to work under such regulations. They have stable salaries, cars, cabinet. But the business still feel insecure. This is the main reason of bad work. It is necessary to change something in the Constitution",- said Atambaev.

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